15 Keys To Rapid Weight Loss

Who doesn't want to shed pounds as rapidly as possible? Here are fifteen secrets to losing at least ten unwanted pounds quickly and easily. You do not have to torture yourself with impossible diets. Watch what you eat, stock your refrigerator with fresh healthy snacks, eat plenty of vegetables, and keep yourself satisfied with fruits.
The following simple guidelines will help you lose ten pounds of excess weight. If you are already following a weight loss plan, they will help you achieve success faster. You can use this flexible and balanced plan, comprising fifteen keys, any time you wish.

Make a note of all that you drink and eat. You don't have to calculate calories. Simply
write down whatever you take during the day. Just becoming aware of your food habits will help
you plan healthier meals.

Cut down your use of all fats by half. This means you have to smear only half the usual
quantity of butter that you smear on your toast, bread, potatoes, or muffins; half the usual
quantity of sauce or mayonnaise on your salads; and half the usual quantity of oil in your frying
pan whenever you fry something.

Eat sweet dishes only thrice a week. Sweet items include desserts, chocolate, cake,
cookies, ice cream, pastries, and so on.

Include sources of low-fat protein, such as chicken, beans, low fat yogurt, fish, cottage
cheese, and so on, in your diet. Don't have eggs, red meat, and nuts every day, but only as
occasional treats.

Eat at least one pure vegetarian and cheese-free meal per week. Create exciting meals
out of whole grain, beans, and vegetables in order to reduce fat and increase fiber in your diet.

Avoid drinking milk with high fat content. Instead of whole milk, purchase milk with two
percent fat. Later you can replace it with milk comprising only one percent fat. Include low fat
yogurt and cheese in your diet. Make sure that you purchase sugar-free yogurt. Take a couple of servings of fruit everyday. You can have fruit as snacks or desserts.

Buy fruit in its season.

Avoid sodas, milky drinks, juices, and alcoholic beverages; instead, drink plenty of water.

Don't drink diet soda because its sweet taste makes you crave for more sugar. Taking a glass of
warm water with a little lemon juice can refresh you early in the morning.

Take a couple of servings of vegetables at dinner and lunch. If you are hungry, eat more

Cut down your speed of eating. The body's signal to the brain that you are full is
relatively slow, and if you eat too fast, you end up eating more than is necessary for you.

Grated carrot is a great snack. One of the strangest facts about carrot is that a single
grated carrot is more filling that a single whole carrot.

Eat whole grain as much as possible. Fiber-rich food will make you feel full, and it will
also help you digest your food better.

Chew on food. You will take in more fiber that way. Moreover, chewing food can be very
satisfactory. For example, you can eat fruit instead of drinking its juice. Make sure that the soup
you prepare has lots in it to chew.

Plan your meals well in advance. This means you have plan your shopping well in
advance too. Planning in advance prevents you from grabbing anything and eating it whenever
you feel hungry. The "anything" that you grab might turn out to be high-calorie dish.

Never watch TV while you eat. According to studies, people eat more when they are
watching TV because they are unaware of the quantity that they eat. Don't even enjoy a snack
while watching TV.

If you follow these simple rules, you will soon turn into a slimmer, healthier version of what you
are now.

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